Bloom Glow

Bloom Glow Revitalizing Hair Tonic 50 ml

  • Bloomglow believe that the road to motherhood is the greatest miracle of all. Women go through enormous changes, and don’t just mean physically. Emotionally, professionally, and mentally; a woman changes and grows so much during this nine months. With so many things going on their lives, more often than not taking care of herself is the last thing on her list. Bloomglow -- it is a brand that celebrates the mother, the woman as she undertakes this great miracle of creating life. They wanted to create products that are effective for the moms yet gentle for babies inside (and outside) of the womb.

  • Bloomglow Hair and Scalp Serum is formulated using Bio-Capigen Veg technology- an innovation of botanical origin designed to help reduce hair loss and stimulate hair growth. It also helps hair become fuller and stronger. Infused with Aloe Vera, Vitamin B5 and Sea Water, this serum also helps prevent dry scalp. Its natural ingredients make it safe for breastfeeding and pregnant women.


  • Ingredients: Bio-Capigen Veg technology (Panax Ginseng Root Extract, Onion bulb extract, Biotin),Aloe Vera,Vitamin B5,Sea Water,Paraben free,Botanical origin,Phthalate Free


  • How to use: Dispense 1-2 pumps of Bloomglow Revitalizing Hair Tonic directly onto scalp or on the fingers and massage gently on the scalp. There is no need to rinse the product after using. This can be used on dry hair or towel-dried hair (after shower). Safe to use as often as needed.